Ketchup With Us #18: Those Lazy Crazy Hazy Days

Ms Mel and ODNT want to know what’s on your summer reading list, so that everyone can see it and we can all read those books and start a reading circle, which is an awesome excuse to get together and uncork some wine (though I have had some good screwtops!). As though you need a reason… Ketchup With Us


It’s May already?! (the 5th Month), start making plans for building Castles in beach dunes, playing games in the backyard,  BBQing, then watching stars at night – it’s almost magical. Know that many days remain before the autumn harvests and winter in the city.

And download/ pick up a copy of Carrie Rubin’s The Seneca Scourge.



Filed under 50 Books in 2013, Ketchup With Us, Reading, Vacations, Writing, Writing Challenges

5 responses to “Ketchup With Us #18: Those Lazy Crazy Hazy Days

  1. What a great way to showcase your summer reading plans. And thank you so much for the inclusion of my novel! You made my day. 🙂 Good luck on getting through your list!

  2. Pretty good reading list! I’ve read a few of those. farenheit 451 is on my “reread often” pile.

  3. Yay! I love having some great authors so close to home. Thanks, BT, for playing. And Carrie, we’d LOVE to hear your pick(s) as well! 🙂

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