Category Archives: Causes


In my efforts to get the word out about BTdotcom, and the Zombie Bunnies idea, I spoke with a friend who is quite interested in my ideas. And yes I told her about you. Yes, YOU. *points to you*

She’s willing to put time and effort into it all. On one condition.

I write something about porcupines.

The Trifecta Challenge this week doesn’t help me out. I will not write about Death and porcupines. I only slaughter zombunnies, thankyouverymuch.

Lance’s 100 word challenge would be based on a song, and it’s not “Winona’s Big Brown Beaver”. At least not this week.

Something quick and easy shorter, more funner…

Wait a minute! El Guapo would know what to do.
So, a limerick!

There once was a porcupine
Who had a receding quill-line
He found applying Rogaine
Caused his paws quite some pain
So he bought a cheap wig made with pine

In the throes of inspiration I also channeled Clown On Fire, wiiiiith, a Haiku.

Hug a porcupine
in cartoons, your stomach sprays
when drinking water.

And to round this out, these two fine fellows are currently supporting many causes, including Movember.
Rather than give a lengthy explanation or interpretive dance, a limerick should dictate the ‘rules’ quite clearly.

For one month, do something brash
Grow yourself a thick hearty mustache
Rollie Fingers, Fu Manchu;
They got nothinā€™ on you!
Your plumage will help raise some cash.


Filed under Causes, Creative Writing, Life, Poetry, Writing Challenges