Category Archives: National Novel Writing Month

2012 / 100

I know I have another week before a ‘year in review’ post might be warranted, but seeing as this is my 100th post, why not?!

This was one of my 2012 Resolutions for the New Year, which yes, I do make. I think it went well.

I had a blog on another site for about 10 years and was pretty active with what I put into it. My goals for this were different – not only in content, but to a different audience, and what came of THOSE is a whole ‘nother story. Zombie Bunnies, anyone?! Tons of writing challenges that covered the spectrum of styles and inspirations, and I worked to keep up with them all the best way I could.

In life itself 2012 has been a magnificent year. Though I did not get the promotion I desired, I was elected into a ‘chair’ position of a sub-committee, and also given a role I was coveting for some time. Those two extra responsibilities have made me even more invaluabler to my job…or to a next job. Awesomeness like this cannot be contained; at least not at THIS salary.

So what was the best part of this year? Work, yes. The ZB’s, sure. YOU? Absolutely, Definitely! I didn’t know any of you a year ago, or the niches that you have each carved out in your part of the web. I had all but given up on the internet actually. Now I have shared a beer & burger with some of you, collaborated with others, and even won some Azamzing prizes along the way! And the hashtags – I think half of my thousand tweets are music/movie mashups. I have 108 people who follow me – no pressure!

So, when I say the nest year will be more of the same, I’m referring to the momentum, inspirations and interactions with you all. I absolutely appreciate what you say to me, and on your own blogs. Thanks for coming along.


Filed under 100 Word Song, Blogging, Creative Writing, Life, Monday Listicles, NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, Scintilla Project, Trifecta Writing Challenge, WriteOnEdge, Zombie Bunnies

All NaNo’s Eve

It is several days after ‘Sandy’, and I have power, heat, light. There’s no damage to my apartment or car. Work is cancelled for the entire week, half of NYC has no power, and the subways are flooded – so I am not exactly celebrating. The 4 hour blackout that was in my area was planned, as they needed to repair a neighboring area’s transformer, literally the next block. Yes I am lucky, and I appreciate every second of being able to be writing this.

Among other things, Halloween will be rescheduled.

This was the extent of my costume. It was an instant buy when I saw it.

Not shown: Nasty big pointy teeth.

This should segue nicely into some interesting news. You may understand the shirt’s reference, as my first Zombie Bunny post refers to it. Yes it was an instant buy when I saw it (
Also tomorrow is the beginning of NaNoWriMo. I try to do it every year, and have not had that much success with it. Even if I do ‘win’, I usually do not ‘finish’ it.

Until now.

This year, I will use NaNo to complete the Zombie Bunnies story. From the very beginning to the end, adding new people, places, plotlines, and fleshing out what I already have.

After it’s done, I have a few people who can edit it, and maybe even help along the next couple of steps as well. Whether or not they can help, or that I even finish it this month, that’s the goal; I want to get the Zombie Bunnies story published. I draw inspiration from the efforts, advice and success of those of you who write every day, and give advice not only on the product, but what to do with it – I’ve been listening, and value your words. Now I want to take that advice and use it on to accomplish what you have.

In just a few more hours it begins, during one of the busiest months of my job, and that’s without a long weekend of holidays. I have a head start with the outline and these couple of days off, but most of all, the backing of Zombunny fans.

I will try to keep up with other prompts as well, and may tease you further with some parts along the way.

Part of NaNoWriMo, or just want to watch? You can find me here.

Here’s to opportunity, inspiration and knowing the value of everything.


Filed under Creative Writing, Horror, Humor, NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, The Zombie Bunnies, Writing, Zombie Bunnies