Monthly Archives: October 2013

Ketchup With Us: What I Dug Up

Ms Mel and ODNT want you to make your best terrifying OR terrified face. Then, post it on your blog or tweet/Facebook it to Mel or me and we’ll link it up. BONUS: You get ten extra entries in the Ketchup Halloween Contest (see below) if you submit a picture. Ketchup With Us

I dug deep into the graveyard of my harddrive.


3884_533864159943_6699436_nFun with photo editing. The scary part is I didn’t have a beard or goatee at that time.

3884_533864169923_7608444_nFor some reason I thought the photo needed more saturation.

bruise2The result of the scariest blood donation I ever made. You’ll notice one smaller mark on my lower elbow and right in the middle. Needless to say, wiggling it around even slightly should never be done. Despite this, I still donate when I can, just not at that particular drive. Oh and not in summer – short sleeves were not flattering for a week or so.

scanlastWhat do you get when you buy a new scanner? Make face art. Ever feel a little discombobulated?

scanlucky7The haunted Tiki face. each set has its own freakish story.

profile3 001Well I needed an updated one, so why not just smear my face across the screen along with the light bar?!


Filed under Uncategorized

Trifecta 99 – Babooksha

This week we are giving you a page from the Oxford English Dictionary. The ninety-ninth page, to be exact. (Click to enlarge.) From this page, you can choose any word, any definition, to use in your post. (Please type your chosen word in bold, so we know.) And instead of our typical 33-333 word limit, we are asking for 99 words exactly.


When commuting, reading helps avoid eye contact. Though these days, e-books prevent you from seeing what others are reading, I still love paperbacks.

My subway line passes through Brighton Beach, and ‘little Odessa’, so there are usually some babushkas on the crowded trains, sometimes even wearing the namesake scarves. One day, I caught the eye of one, who smiled warmly at me and my copy of “The Brothers Karamazov.” Some weeks later, we ‘met’ again, but my expected approving glance was met with a steely gaze and deeply creased frown. Perhaps they felt no sympathy for ‘Sofia Petrovna’ plight…



Filed under Books, Creative Writing, Life, Life in NYC, Reading, Trifecta Writing Challenge, Writing Challenges

Ketchup With Us #27 – I Got a Rock

Ms Mel and ODNT want to know in 57 words or less … what for you personally signals the coming of Fall?. Ketchup With Us


As a kid, crunching every dry brown leaf – nature’s bubble pop.

In my college years, the Fall Classic, (starring the Yankees) from 1996-2001.

Then, spiced lattes, until that fateful unblinking day when they courteously supergraded my order.

Through each phase, one tradition remains – watching a young man pay his annual tribute to sincerity.

Keep the faith, Linus.



Filed under Creative Writing, Ketchup With Us, Life, Writing Challenges