Banana Muffins

Summertime equals fresh fruit. It also means, with heat and humidity, quick-ripening fruit. Some are versatile, and have a good shelf life, like apples and pears. Others, like bananas, can turn one shade to another within a day or two. Depending on your personal preference, it may be the difference between eating them, and deciding that they are too brown and soft to eat. Seems like a waste, and in my house, many times it was.

However, one person’s “ewww gross!” fully ripened banana, is another’s “perfect!” If you are adding them to your Cheerios, it’s probably the former. If you have a banana bread/muffin recipe, you are the latter.

In fact, since you started reading this, it is already too late…you have descended into the realm of the latter. Good for you!

Here is the recipe that I have faithfully used for over 10 years. As you can see, I make it often – it’s incredibly easy, and there’s a steady supply of ‘nanas around here. You can also see that I typed it on NotePad (yes I used word wrap). Typing out the directions here would be redundant, so just follow along with the directions and photos!

Some extra notes…
–I’m making muffins, which only changes the cooking time, about 35 minutes a batch. Also, you can use those paper cups or butter the pan, it’s your choice.
–Walnuts are suggested, but you can leave them out, or sub for choco chips (which I am doing here) or use both. Keep in mind it will yield more than listed if you add more ingredients
–When mashing the bananas, no need to make them into paste. Some small banana chunks in there will keep it moist and even more flavorful.

The Directions

Everything you need. Note the bananas, which look like chocolate at this point. Perfect.

Blend the sugar and butter. Resist the temptation to taste a smidge of it. Oh what the hell, go ahead. Yes it’s so wrong.

After adding the eggs, you will get this smooth mixture. If you didn’t sneak a taste before, it’s too late now!

After adding bananas, it will look less enticing to take a spoonful for yourself! All ‘wet’ ingredients are now mixed. On to the dry.

In a smaller bowl mix all dry ingredients together (of course you can’t tell here!). Stir it together with a fork to ensure everything mixes nicely. You will pour this into the larger bowl of wet ingredients, keeping in mind to fold it gently, not like a cake batter.

Choco chips (or whatever you are adding) are also gently stirred in, and you are ready to start filling the cups/tray.

Done! Be sure to hide some away from the greedy, unappreciative masses, but reward the faithful believers that will follow you to the ends of the Earth with a couple of these.
If you store them in the fridge or not is up to you. Reheating in a microwave takes about 15-20 seconds.



Filed under Baking, Cooking, Recipes

11 responses to “Banana Muffins

  1. I love banana baked goods. In addition to traditional banana bread and banana cake, I make this chocolately, peanut butter, banana bread. Got it from a Pampered Chef recipe. So good. My husband is extra nice to me when he finds a loaf of that on the counter. šŸ™‚

  2. I love banana bread and this recipe looks delicious! Those bananas you used are about as ripe as it gets! HA! I have taken to storing my bananas in the fridge. The peelings turn black but the bananas stay edible for about a week. I’ll have to give your recipe a try. Only I’m changing the name of your recipe to Braintomahawk’s Banana Bread — has a nice ring to it don’t you think?

  3. Yum! I just ate, but thanks for making me hungry šŸ™‚

    I’ve never made banana bread, but one of these days (when it’s not so hot) I might give it a try. I’ve never seen bananas that dark before – they look kind of gross! (I like to eat them when the peel has some green in it still.)

  4. I will have to try this soon. I have been dreaming of banana bread of some sort (with chocolate chips too) and your recipe came at the right time. There are two ripe bananas in the kitchen right now, I am waiting for another one to drop from heaven, hopefully before the other two gets *that* ripe. šŸ™‚ Thanks for the recipe – this seems to be a well loved one. šŸ˜€

  5. I’ve just been throwing my bananas out – good idea to do this instead though. Some added chocolate chips can be really good in banana bread too.

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